Cozy Little Cosmos

April 14, 2024
Seth Reese
I live with my family 15 miles outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Looking from my front door to the north are the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southernmost range of the Rockies. Looking south you see the Ortiz and Sandia mountains, on the other side of which is the city of Albuquerque. To our west are the rolling pinks, reds, and tans of the Cerrillos Hills speckled with the deep green of a thousand juniper trees. In the summertime, when the sun sets over the hills, the explosion of pink, red, orange, yellow, and purple is almost more than you can bear. Because we live outside of a small city, we are blessed with dark nights; only the glow of Albuquerque over the Sandias and of the state prison several miles down the road break the darkness. On clear, moonless nights you can see more stars than you thought...
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